Saturday, March 26, 2011

A few minor adjustments

Well I haven't blogged in a few weeks but I'm back. ok this is what's been going on with me. I had to make a few minor adustments with my weight loss journey and that is eating six small meals a day in which I thought would be hard but acutually it isn't as hard as I thought. First breakfast, then a small snack then 2 hours later lunch then 2 hours after that another small snack then you can eat your dinner, and then a small snack after that and that makes your six small meals. I also had to commit to drinking six glasses of water a day because with me I retain a lot of water, so when I do get on the scale it makes me look like I gained weight which is frustrating for me. Also I've learned that drinking 3to5 cups of green tea a day can help you lose weight. So I've been drinking the green tea, so far I've managed to lose 5 pounds of water weight. yeah, happy about that and lastly I included slim fast in my weight loss journey which happened by accident I was actually looking for a protein shake but decided to buy the slim fast because It was cheaper than the protein drink. And then I do want to lose it a little faster than I have because I want to be slim by the summer. And Lord's will I will get there.

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