Friday, March 18, 2011

Still going strong!

Well, It's been a few days since i've blogged, well I'm still trying to eat right, still going strong and the weight is coming off slowly but surely or maybe because I keep being tempted to weight myself everyday so maybe that's why it seems to be coming off slow! I have a scale at work so it's hard to avoid the scale but I have to stop! Today was a nice day today didn't do too much had to go to my sister's house because she decides to get her hair done and so I had to go to her house to make sure her daughter gets in the house! She be driving me crazy love her though, what are sisters for, well toodles! check back.

What I ate today
Today I ate a bowl of multi-grain cheerios these are very tasty I really enjoy eating this,and a cup of coffee with a no calorie sweetner
Lunch I had a turkey sandwich with mustard a low fat chocolate pudding only 100 calories and a handful of veggie chips so good.
For dinner I had one hard taco with lettuce, tomato, cheese and a spoonful of sour cream, And a cup of wyler's only 5 calories

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